Step 3: Option One
Upload Theater-Ready DCP to Our Server


If you choose this option, you can upload directly to our server or share a Dropbox link with us.

We will validate and deliver your DCP directly to the theater for this festival.

Due to increased digital storage costs, we charge a fee for this service. 

  • Basic Service: $40 – we will run a validation report to check the integrity of your DCP and allow for three total uploads/transfers if required.

  • Digital Storage Service: $60 – we will run the validation report and store your DCP in Dropbox for 180 days for you to access/share with other festivals.

  • Digital Storage Service Deluxe: $80 – we will run the validation and store your DCP in Dropbox for a full year for you to access/share with other festivals.

If you paid for the service already,
and need to access the form again, Click Here.

Did we mention that you should read and follow the guidelines?