Step 4: Option Three
Complete the Form and Send us a Link

We accept direct links fromĀ  Professional DCP Service Providers

Links we accept: Filemail, Dropbox, Aspera, Signiant, Media Shuttle

We will allow uploads to our server as long this is a verified, professionally made DCP.
(unverifiable DCPs will be deleted from this server)

Filmmaker DCP Transfer Link from Professional Service Provider

Filmmaker DCP Transfer Link from Professional Service Provider

My Movie (Please check all that apply):
Do not change after the fact. Your DCP must be created with the proper naming convention.
Please confirm that you have read and understand the following:
Please confirm that you have read and understand the following:
Please confirm that you have read and understand the following:
Please confirm that you have read and understand the following:
Please confirm that you have read and understand the following:
Please confirm that you have read and understand the following:

Did we mention that you should read and follow theĀ guidelines?