Step 4: Option TwoComplete the Form andĀ You will Receive Mailing Instructions Filmmaker DCP Mailed to Digital DCP Filmmaker DCP Mailed to Digital DCP Title of Movie * Name * Name First First Last Last Email * Phone Hard Drive Delivery Option * Choose from the options belowI am sending a drive with a self-addressed stamped envelopeI do not need the drive back, please recycle it Choose the Festival * Choose a festival from the options belowCulver City Film FestivalGolden State Film FestivalMarina del Rey Film FestivalSilicon Beach Film FestivalIndie Vegas Film Festival This DCP was created using the following: * Choose the following optionsIt was made through a professional DCP ServiceI made it myself using free software (validation recommended)I made it myself using paid software (validation recommended)I do not know how it was created. Which Company or Software was used to create this DCP? * My Movie (Please check all that apply): * is a feature (40 minutes or over) is a short (under 40 minutes) has master audio in stereo has master audio in 5.1 surround OtherOther How is your DCP labeled? * Do not change after the fact. Your DCP must be created with the proper naming convention. Runtime * Logline * Filmmaker Provided DCP Waiver By providing my own DCP, I am fully aware of the risks. I take full responsibility for the DCP, and understand Digital DCP, its contractors, its partner festivals, and theaters, may curate and check DCPs for common errors but the submitter of this form is solely responsible for the DCP. Digital DCP will assess whether they think it will play at the theatre for this festival; however, the festival and theater do not allow for technical screenings or on-site quality control checks prior to the start of the event. I am also confirming that following an assessment by Digital DCP, warnings or errors noted in the Digital Cinema Package, may result in my film not playing properly theatrically, or being removed from the festival program entirely. I further acknowledge that even if Digital DCP does not find warnings or errors that there is the possibility of DCP incompatibility with a theatrical playback system, which may result in my film not playing properly theatrically or being removed from the festival program entirely. I am also acknowledging that if there is an error in the DCP package, or a playback incompatibility, or my DCP package does not playback to my expectations, I understand this is not within the control of Digital DCP, the festival, or the theatre. Please confirm that you have read and understand the following: * I have read, understand, and agree to the Filmmaker Provided DCP Waiver. Please confirm that you have read and understand the following: * I understand that if I do not include a self-addressed stamped envelope with proper postage, I will not receive my drive back; Digital DCP is not responsible for return of drives. Please confirm that you have read and understand the following: * I understand that only USB and CRU drives formatted with Linux EXT2 or EXT3 will be accepted. All other formats will be rejected. Please confirm that you have read and understand the following: * We will NOT accept or deliver DCPs created with Open DCP or the Quvis Wraptor plugin for Adobe. Please confirm that you have read and understand the following: * I understand that Digital DCP does not edit, fix, or adjust projects in anyway, and they are played “as delivered.” Please confirm that you have read and understand the following: * I confirm that my DCP is fully DCI compliant and follows DCI conventions. Please confirm that you have read and understand the following: * I have read, understand, and agree to all of the aforementioned conditions regarding my DCP. Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. IMPORTANT:Did we mention that you should read and follow theĀ guidelines?