Step 4: Option Two
Send us your Theater-Ready DCP
on a USB Drive or CRU Drive

SEND A Theater-Ready Hard Drive (Free Service):

If you choose this option, you can mail us your theater-ready drive.

Drives must be formatted as Linux EXT2 or EXT3.

All other formats will be rejected.

A professional DCP service provider will be able to create these for you.

What to send:

Send the Drive, With the USB Cable
Must be formatted as Linux EXT2/3
Do not send anything with a Thunderbolt connection.
Do Not Send Thumb Drives

Or Send:

2) CRU Theater-Ready Drive
Must be formatted as Linux EXT2/3
Must be a CRU DX115DC-compatible caddy

If you want your drive returned, you must:
 Include a self-addressed stamped envelope.
Envelope must have proper postage.
Envelope must have your movie title written on it.
Drives will be immediately recycled otherwise.

Did we mention that you should read and follow the guidelines?